RSNA would like to recognize the following companies for contributing equipment to the Educational Courses at RSNA 2019:
- Bard
- BD
- Canon Medical Systems, USA, Inc
- CIVCO Medical Solutions
- Cook Medical, LLC*
- FormLabs
- GE Healthcare
- Hitachi Healthcare
- Hologic
- IBM Watson Health
- INRAD, Inc
- Invivo Corporation
- IZI Medical Products*
- Konica Minolta Healthcare Americas, Inc
- Mammotome*
- Medtronic*
- Mindray
- Monarch Medical*
- NeuWave Medical*
- Parker Laboratories, Inc
- Philips
- Samsung
- Siemens Healthineers
- Sonoscanner US
- SuperSonic Imagine
- Stryker IVS*
- TeraRecon
- Ultimaker
- Vital
- Welch Allyn*
*Companies not exhibiting
Special Recognition for unrestricted educational grants:
- Unrestricted educational grant in support of the Breast Series: Emerging Technologies
- Unrestricted educational grant in support of the MRI Safety Course (Gadolinium and Pacemakers)